Tuesday, November 21, 2006


v2.69 gives us possibility to fill inner area of a polyline. The syntax is like GPolyline() but with two more parameters:

new GPolygon(array_of_points, line_color, line_width, line_opacity,
fill_color, fill_opacity);

Discovered by Mike Williams. An example.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

A page without a key

Api checks
from the page url. If satisfied no key is needed. The bonus is that you get the same tileset as maps.google.com.

If you have your page hosted in GooglePages without a key you get Navteq maps for US and today you can get African maps with the trick. Just delete '&key=blahblah..' from the api call script. 'Powered by Google' logo goes with the key. Cairo.

I have not solved how to make GClientGeocoder work with a page like that.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Event tester 2.0 pre alpha

Now I have a partially operating pre alpha event test page v2.0 on line:
  • parameters (first three of them)
  • draggable output fields
  • more objects (info window, overview map, draggable object...)
  • the list of GEvents is read from text file that is a section of api
  • events are alphabetically sorted to a "List" field
  • events field is editable [submit]
  • call GLog to see timing
  • script area (also in v1) to write event listeners of your own
  • a bug was revealed:
  • mouseover and mouseout of map will not come back if once deleted
  • 'mousemove' is deleted for saving output field
  • I have managed to get a few times
Does not work with IE at this time but I quess that is not a problem. Please comment especially about 'zoomrangechange' and 'blur'.