Tooltips of map type buttons are here again. We had them in v1 and now in v2,65. When trying to find how to modify their contents I found many other parameters too.
_mPanNorth, _mPanWest, _mPanEast, _mPanSouth (Arrow button tooltips)
_mLastResult (Return button tooltip)
_mZoomIn, _mZoomOut (Zoom button tooltips)
_mMapMode (Map button legend)
_mMapModeShort (Map legend of small button)
_mStreetMapAlt (Map button tooltip)
_mMapError (Error message of uncovered areas)
_mSatelliteMode (Sat button legend)
_mSatelliteModeShort (Sat legend of small button)
_mSatelliteMapAlt (Sat button tooltip)
_mSatelliteError (Error message of uncovered areas)
_mHybridMode (Hyb button legend)
_mHybridModeShort (Hyb legend of small button)
_mHybridMapAlt (Hyb button tooltip)
Syntax as in previous post.
Update 2008. These variables have gone a long time ago.